Saturday, August 6, 2011

Please help! I dont want any of my animals to get scared or hurt!?

Hi we recently found a blue healer wattling around the streets and decieded to keep him. He is a puppy. A saucy one 2:) Very playful and stuff. Well when we came home he searched around the house being curious abotu everything and he went to my birds cage and the door was opened and he started to play with my bird but got really ruff with him. I pulled nhim away and my bird got so scared! my 11 month old kitty is scared of him well nervouse you could say and almost all of his hair is straight up. His tail would be normal sized but now its puffy because his hair is getting puffy. My dog disoto is grown up and he does NOT like puppies or other dogs! Blazer (thats what his name is) came up and sniffed him and my dog disoto barked,snareled and almost bit him. How can my pets get a long? All of them are fine with eachother but my bird is very territorial but i dont mind it. When i got my cat skye he didnt like my dog disoto either but now hes fine with him. Im scared somethings bad going to happen like if my cat skye is going ot run away or if my birds going to get eaten(hes a sun conure). I am just so stressed right now! Those animals are my best friends!

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