Friday, August 12, 2011

Iraqi Budget Approved: Iraqi Dinar Revaluation (RV) follows soon, perhaps by President's Day? Chase Bank Open?

There a rumor that Mr Bush had the FED RES get about 1 trillion of on Iraqi money at 1cent on the dollar or less i know a few people holding about 50 -500 million of Iraqi note On s spec market will this turn to real i do not know

Kitten! I need help!?

My little brother found a kitten outside, I know mother cats putvthem places to go hunt etc. But my neighbor has a mother cat and the babies are just about a week younger than the one he found. I was wanting to know if the mother will take in the kitten. And how old they have to be to sell them. I'm NOT NOT selling the cutie. I'm giving him to my bff cuz my cat is completely territorial. Unless there's a way they could get along. My cats female, also had a litter but we kept one and after she weened it she was soooo mean to it. The kitten is about 1 month old, its eyes are just almost all the way opened. Its also a boy if that helps. Please help me, i'd sooooo apreciate it!

Do people hide behind religions and symbols for a sense of belonging?

Im glad you know this the true meaning of life shed yourself of this primal shell and transcend into an everlasting bliss of freedom and acceptance.

Is this poem any good?

Well I don't like to judge poetry. It comes from the heart so In my opinion it can't be either good or bad. But this was pretty good though!

My cat keeps harrassing my other cat? Very weird situation.?

Okay so I have a male cat that is constantly messing with my female cat. She can be walking through the house when he pounces at her and she runs. She is terrified of him, and never fights back. He chases her under the table and sits and stares at her so she can't come out! He also is alwayss looking for her. He never messes with any of my other cats, just her. I try to chase him away but he keeps messing with her. Its very weird ive never seen a cat like this and its not a territorial thing because shes never near him. Does anyone know why he acts like this? Im so upset with seeing her scared that im considering getting rid of him although i dont want to. Please help. thanks!

My cat hates my other cat after it went missing for two months?

Hi, I lost a cat two months ago and and thankfully found him, but his sister who he's been with since birth now hisses and growls at him (very uncharacteristic for such a loving cat). Both are the FRIENDLIEST cats you will ever meet. We got the missing one back from an animal shelter. Could it be the sister cat doesn't like his new "smells" from the animal shelter? Is it a territorial thing since the sister cat gotten used to being the only one? I don't think she even recognizes him. Is this normal for found cats? If so, how many days will it take to get back to normal? The sister cat wont stay in the same room with her brother. (NOTE: it IS the same cat from before no doubt about it and neither are feral)

My diabetic dog does not like getting insulin injections? help please??!!!?

A Basket Muzzle would be fine. Also, ask your Vet if you can give the insulin in drops form down his throat.